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Job Description
Nium was founded on the mission to build the global payments infrastructure of tomorrow, today. With the onset of the on-demand economy, its single platform for global payments and card issuing is shaping how banks, fintechs, and businesses everywhere to disburse and collect funds instantly across borders. Its payout network supports 100 currencies and spans 195+ countries, 100 of which in real-time. Funds can be disbursed to accounts, wallets, and cards and collected locally in 35 markets. Nium's growing card issuance business is already available in 34 countries. Nium holds regulatory licenses and authorizations in over 40 countries, enabling seamless onboarding, rapid integration, and compliance - regardless of geography.

Where do you come into the picture?
Nium has Send, Spend and Receive core capabilities with compelling set of technology and licensing infrastructure, and has brought these capabilities together, infusing additional value-added services and offering a unified, integrated embeddable financial services platform - commonly referred to as Banking as a Service (BaaS) platform. This is not to be confused with 'core banking'. Nium is not a bank, and is not trying to become a bank. You can look up to learn more about BaaS Platform or Embedded Finance. So this is not for a banking position - i.e., as a branch/bank manager in bank.
The Nium's BaaS Platform is organized in terms of product-lines such as Payout, Payin, FX, Cards, supported by a Core suite of common services such as Client/Customer Onboarding, Product Configuration, Accounts, Core Transaction Processing, Reporting, etc., that power the various commercial oriented product-lines. You will join the BaaS Platform's Core-Product team that looks after the Core of the BaaS Platform, and you, by working alongside other Product Managers from the Core and other Product Teams, will strengthen and extend the Core to help the existing and the new products powered by the BaaS Platform over time.
Please note that this is for a product position, and not for a project management/program management/operations position.
What would a day in your life @ NIUM look like?
Product management is about product discovery and product delivery. You will fall in love with the problem, more than the solution. You will validate whether a given problem makes sense and whether customers dealing with the problem are indeed looking for a solution; come up with a solution that is practical/sustainable and will make sense for the customers. Then, you will deliver.
You will write product specifications, epics/user stories to help make the changes to the Core of the BaaS Platform as an Individual Contributor. You will work with product/tech teams to share requirements and coordinate at a detailed level to develop features and deliver a high-quality product.
You will work closely with Product Management teams to align product roadmaps with cross-product strategies/market offerings and validate product definitions with customers.
You will continuously explore and work towards improving the Core of the BaaS Platform to make the Platform's Core and thereby the Product-Lines best in the industry. For this, you will stay well-read on the industry trends, be aware of key competitors and their differentiated offerings, and stay connected to clients and client implementation teams.
Needless to state - you will need to manage your time wisely, as you will deal with multiple time-competing priorities at several levels of complexity, all to help push Nium and its offerings to its next higher level.
You will evolve into and work as a Subject Matter Expert in the overall BaaS Platform.

What experiences and expertise would you need to play this role?
You must have at least 3 years of experience as a technical product manager/owner working with payments-related products/platforms in fintech/eCommerce/SaaS/PaaS.
You should have at least 1 year of hands-on product-development/product-management-oriented experience in building, managing and supporting a large-scale payments-oriented platform that supports payment-wallet-account, cards, or digital banking-related services. So you are familiar with core concepts and have good product-oriented knowledge about the payments-oriented platforms that can onboard a scalable number of customers/businesses/merchants, perform KYC/KYB, offer them accounts/wallets, give them the ability to load funds, to receive funds, to payout, to offer them the ability to spend (using cards, QR Code or any other possible means), and so on.
You should have worked on the planning, development and launch of important products or important product features end-to-end by working with other cross-functional internal and external stakeholders as a product manager.
You should have strong exposure in working with people from diverse cultures and multiple countries. Should have a global mindset.
You must be good with written and verbal communication skills in English. Should feel confident and comfortable to express your ideas and thoughts using simple and clear writing.
You must be good in writing product requirements for new features. Have done detailed requirements gathering, documentation, analysis, and product development.
You should have built and delivered products/product features using Agile methodologies.
You should have decent level of knowledge on APIs (REST, JSON).
As part of your product development/product management experience, you must have worked directly with the engineering teams, and should have good understanding about the software development practices, system design, and have good-enough technical knowledge to debate with engineers on solutioning. You should not need someone else to mediate with the engineering teams.
You have a flexible and growth mindset to expand your area of expertise over time, and not fixed / fixated on any one area, and remain flexible to learn new skills and domains over time. You see yourself as a work-in-progress. You don't feel shy or ashamed to ask questions and start from scratch, if required.
You take initiatives, plan & execute, and keep the leader/manager and others informed, but generally can follow-through on the key priorities by dealing with obstacles and achieve the goals.

At Nium we center our way of work around 3 core values globally -
#KeepItSimple, #MakeItBetter and #WinItTogether.

What's it like to be a Nium'er?
We cut through complexity, simplify at speed and operate with scale in mind.
We build innovative solutions that make our customers' lives better.
We win in this competitive market by collaborating as one team.

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